Responsibilities and Sexual Health

Health and Beauty

Sexual Health

Sexual health is something really important to nourish and nurture within yourself if you want to experience a great and fulfilling sexual union. It is important to be committed to maintain one’s sexual health and it all starts with proper guidance from the time one is a teenager. Sexual abstinence as well as protection becomes important aspects of understanding in order to protect your self from sexually transmitted diseases.

aImage by gbrummett

Information about birth control options should be made very clear with information coming through at a very young age for any person. All these are important to note since there seems to be a lot of withholding of information among youth leading to mishaps and teenage pregnancies. Certain societies hold dogma about sexual opinions and even being open about protection issues which in turn devalue the importance of proper birth control and sexual safety.

The different kinds of birth control processes include the birth control patch, the pill and even the ring. The Nuva Ring now available almost everywhere in the world is one of the most effective ways of safe birth control taking place.Emergency contraceptive poll or ECP or the Morning After Pill is one of those things that can come as handy for any woman after a chance mishap. However it is important not to overdo use of any of these pills as they can back fire a lot of things in terms of hormonal health and balance. Usually these emergency pills work for 5 mornings after sex and they can be had within 5 mornings after intercourse. Only one pill is necessary to meet the demands.Unprotected sex overall is not the advise that is to be given to anybody.

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