Allergies And Infections – Stay Protected

Difference between allergies and infections 

Allergies and infections are pretty common among people. Different people are allergic to different things. While some are allergic to food items such as nuts, eggs and dairy products, others are allergic to different kinds of fabrics such as synthetics. Infections on the other hand are slightly different from allergies.

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Allergies And Infections – Stay Protected
4.8 (96%) 20 votes

Neem Oil as a Skin and Scalp Refresher

Neem Oil Benefits

The benefits of neem oil are plenty. There are many toxins and germs that are killed with the application of neem oil.

image by Seegul

image by Seegul

Neem oil when mixed with any other soothing oil relieves scalp itching, eczema, psoriasis and other such chronic skin and scalp conditions. Neem oil when mixed with a pinch or two of camphor and coconut oil brings relief to the scalp from lice and any infection. There are many diseases that can be counteracted with the help of neem oil. This oil prevents further spread of bacteria and problems relating to such skin infections. In the long run neem oil comes to many benefits to our lifestyle. In tropical countries neem is a local tree whose leaves and bark can be used to incur the oil.

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Neem Oil as a Skin and Scalp Refresher
5 (100%) 20 votes